Customized Security Plans

We recognize that the security needs of each client are distinct. That's why we provide customized security plans tailored to address your individual concerns.

Expert Security Services

We take pride in our highly trained security team dedicated to safeguarding your assets. With keen attention to detail and a proactive mindset, our experts are committed to protecting what matters most to you.

Highly Trained Security Guards

Our security experts undergo thorough training and certification, equipping them to effectively address a range of security challenges. This includes expertise in crisis management and conflict resolution.
Welcome To

Equinox Security Ltd

Equinox Security Ltd, specialists in Security Guarding Services, registered in England under Company number 13563615. Devoted to delivering unparalleled security solutions, our focus is on providing cost-effective, personalized services that exceed industry standards. At Equinox Security, we prioritize continuous improvement, investing in enhancing both security and interpersonal skills. This commitment ensures our team consistently meets the highest standards demanded by our valued clients.

As a versatile security company, we cater to both temporary and permanent security needs with unmatched flexibility. Our dedication to surpassing traditional practices sets us apart, allowing us to provide unwavering support for even the most challenging security requirements.

Reliable Guardians of Your Peace and Security: – Providing Unparalleled Security Solutions.
Constant Vigilance for Your 24/7 Protection: – Our emphasis lies in delivering Top-Notch Security Services.
Revolutionizing Security: – Enhancing Safety Measures for Your Premises with Our Services.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Stay one step ahead of potential threats with our cutting-edge security technology.

Quality Assurance Guarantee

We take pride in delivering top-notch security services, ensuring the safety and protection of your premises.

Eco-Friendly Security Solutions

We are dedicated to ensuring security with a commitment to environmental preservation.

Our Services

We try to Serve Best Service

Specializing in delivering private security guard services, we extend protection to businesses and individuals, safeguarding against security threats such as theft and vandalism. Our all-encompassing security solutions are designed to establish a secure environment for your property, providing you with peace of mind.

Key Holding & Alarm Response

Our manned guarding services are designed to provide a visible and effective security presence to deter potential threats and ensure…

Manned Guarding

Our manned guarding services are designed to provide a visible and effective security presence to deter potential threats and ensure…

Construction Security

Our specialized team of construction security professionals is committed to maintaining a secure environment for your construction projects. With a…

Event Security

With a team of highly trained and skilled security professionals, we specialize in providing comprehensive security solutions for a wide…

Why Choose Us

Cutting-Edge Technology

Stay ahead of potential threats with our use of advanced security technology. From surveillance systems to access control, we employ the latest tools to enhance your security.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Benefit from our cost-effective security services without compromising quality. We strive to provide the best value, ensuring your security needs are met within your budget.

24/7 Vigilance

Rest easy knowing our dedicated security team is on alert around the clock. We provide unwavering protection, ensuring your safety and the security of your property.

Personalized Security Solutions

We understand that every client is unique. Our tailored security plans cater to your specific needs, offering a personalized approach to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Flexibility in Services

Whether you need temporary coverage or a long-term security solution, our flexible services can be tailored to meet your changing requirements. We adapt to your needs.

Proven Expertise

Benefit from our extensive experience and specialized knowledge in the security industry. Our seasoned professionals ensure a high level of expertise in safeguarding your assets.

Community-Centric Approach

Committed to community values, fostering trust, collaboration, and safety. Building strong client relationships for sustained well-being.

Professional Staff

Entrust your security to our trained and professional staff. With a focus on continuous improvement, our team is well-equipped to handle diverse security challenges effectively and efficiently.

Customer Support

Our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond security patrols. Experience prompt and responsive support from our team, addressing your concerns efficiently.

Our Exceptional Security Offerings & Expertise for Unmatched Solutions

At Equinox Security, we take pride in offering a comprehensive portfolio that focuses on top-notch security guard services. Our security guard services are designed to safeguard businesses and individuals from potential threats such as theft, vandalism, and unauthorized access.

With a team of highly trained and experienced security professionals, we provide personalized security strategies tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring a safe and secure environment.

Efficient Handling Of Security Issues
Notable Customer Service
Security Experience
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Security Guards

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact us for any assistance or information you may need.
Our dedicated team is ready to help!

  • Regus Fort Dunlop office No.141 Fort Parkway Birmingham B24 9FE
  • Call Us: +078 8027 6211



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