Manned Guarding

Manned Security

Equinox Security Ltd provides a specialized security guarding service with a team of licensed and thoroughly vetted security personnel, in strict adherence to the BS7858 2019 Standards. We prioritize the safety of your property and personnel, promising the utmost level of protection.

Our skilled and seasoned staff is dedicated to delivering top-notch security services, focusing on enhancing the safety and safeguarding of individuals, properties, and assets.

Equinox Security Ltd's security guards play a crucial role in implementing access control measures at entry points.
Our security personnel routinely conduct patrols of the premises to detect and address any suspicious activities, breaches, or security vulnerabilities.
Vigilance is a key attribute of our guards, as they actively monitor CCTV systems, alarm systems, and other security equipment. This proactive approach ensures a swift response to any security threats or incidents that may occur.
Crowd Management Emergency Response Theft And Loss Prevention Security Reports

In locations characterized by high foot traffic, such as events, retail spaces, or public gatherings, our security guards play a pivotal role in crowd management, ensuring order, and proactively preventing conflicts or disruptions. Their presence guarantees a secure environment for all attendees.

Our well-trained manned security guards are equipped to respond promptly and efficiently in emergencies. They possess expertise in evacuation procedures, first aid protocols, and fire safety measures. In cases of fires, accidents, or medical emergencies, they provide immediate assistance and collaborate seamlessly with relevant authorities to manage situations effectively.

Security guards are primarily responsible for preventing theft, vandalism, and unauthorized access to protected areas. Through regular inspections, implementation of security protocols, and the use of surveillance techniques, they effectively deter criminal activities, significantly minimizing potential losses.

Maintaining meticulous records of incidents, security breaches, and noteworthy activities is a key duty of security guards. They prepare detailed reports, documenting all security-related incidents, observations, and actions taken. These comprehensive reports are vital for evaluating security measures and facilitating the implementation of necessary improvements.

Our Services

We try to Serve Best Service

Specializing in delivering private security guard services, we extend protection to businesses and individuals, safeguarding against security threats such as theft and vandalism. Our all-encompassing security solutions are designed to establish a secure environment for your property, providing you with peace of mind.

Key Holding & Alarm Response

Our manned guarding services are designed to provide a visible and effective security presence to deter potential threats and ensure…

Construction Security

Our specialized team of construction security professionals is committed to maintaining a secure environment for your construction projects. With a…

Event Security

With a team of highly trained and skilled security professionals, we specialize in providing comprehensive security solutions for a wide…
Get in Touch

Feel free to contact us for any assistance or information you may need.
Our dedicated team is ready to help!

  • Regus Fort Dunlop office No.141 Fort Parkway Birmingham B24 9FE
  • Call Us: +078 8027 6211



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