Key Holding & Alarm Response

Alarm Response & Key Holding

At Equinox Security, we prioritize the safety of your property with our dedicated Alarm Response and Keyholding services. Our comprehensive offerings are designed to provide a swift and dependable response to security events, ensuring the protection of your assets.

Our expertise goes beyond the installation of CCTV systems; we specialize in Alarm Response & Keyholding Services that are customized to meet the unique security requirements of both residential and business settings.

Our door supervisors take pride in upholding the safety and security of patrons and staff at various establishments, including pubs, bars, nightclubs, licensed premises, and public events. With a commitment to professionalism and vigilance, our team ensures a secure environment for everyone involved.

Choose Equinox Security as your security partner, and rest assured that your property is in capable hands. We are dedicated to providing top-notch security solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Swift Action: Our team responds promptly to alarm activations, ensuring a rapid and effective resolution.
Emergency Handling: Well-trained professionals capable of managing various emergency situations with precision.
Continuous Monitoring: 24/7 vigilance to address potential threats in real-time.
Secure Key Management: Our secure keyholding service guarantees the safekeeping and responsible management of your keys.
Safety and Security Assurance Rigorous Access Control Policy Enforcement Security Reports

Our door supervisors are trained to prioritize the safety and security of customers and staff.
Vigilant monitoring to deter and address any potential security threats.

Implementation of a stringent access control system. Thorough verification of identification for all individuals, including visitors, delivery drivers, laborers, management, and facilities staff.

Strict adherence to company policies. Endorsement of the importance of wearing identification at all times.

Security guards diligently maintain precise records of incidents, security breaches, and noteworthy activities. They meticulously prepare detailed reports, documenting all security-related incidents, observations, and actions taken. These comprehensive reports play a vital role in evaluating security measures and facilitating the implementation of necessary improvements.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)